Most of us know that our breathing affects our stress level and our stress level affects our breathing. What is…
It sounds paradoxical but there is a down side of loving your job. It could lead to depression according to…
Are you numbing your feelings with emotional Novocaine? Anything you do to avoid facing your feelings, especially if you do…
What are some ways to challenge your mind’s negative talk? Zoom Out–thinking of your situation from a broad or historical…
Richard O’Conner, Ph.D., author of Undoing Depression offers these do it yourself strategies that might help with depression:
Sometimes anxiety gets the best of us even for therapists such as myself. What can you do the next time…
We have been discussing some causes, common types, and uncommon types of phobias but what should you do if you…
Phobias are learned and do not form spontaneously. This learning can take place in three main ways…Traumatic Conditioning where for…
IF you are like most people there is a least one thing that gives you the heebie-jeebies. Maybe it’s snakes…
Some additional considerations for living a long life include the following: Learn how to get yourself unstuck. There will always…