What To Do If You Have A Phobia

We have been discussing some causes, common types, and uncommon types of phobias but what should you do if you have a phobia?

Most people simply rearrange their lives to avoid the objects or situations that create the phobia. In some cases especially those that are medically related such as fear of blood or injections, this fear could put one in a precarious position.

The good news is that most phobias can be treated and with just a few hours of work. All that is needed is a knowledgeable therapist and a motivated patient. The best method which is exposure therapy is the only thing that works. The therapist will ask you to develop a hierarchy of events or experiences leading up to the most feared experience. A hypnotist can help you with the development of the hierarchy and then expose you in hypnosis to each event starting with the least anxiety provoking experience. The final event might be to expose you to a photograph of the feared object or to the object or experience itself. The hypnotist will gently guide you toward remission of the phobia.

If you think you might have a phobia and if you have questions about hypnosis as treatment, please feel free to contact me at holtadams2002@yahoo.com or 361.442.9590.