What To Ask Yourself If You Are Having Negative Thoughts

There are six questions to ask yourself if you find that you are having a thought that is creating anxiety, depression, or worry:

1. Is there evidence against my thought?

2. What would a rational friend or family member say about this thought?

3. Am I worrying about something I cannot control?

4. If I looked at the situation positively, how would my thought be different?

5. Is this thought helpful or hurtful (i.e. causing me stress)?

6. Will this thought matter six months from now? Will it matter one year from now?

Depending on your answers, a life coach could be helpful in learning to talk to yourself differently in more positive and caring terms. Hypnosis can also be a useful tool in changing the way you talk to yourself. If you have any questions about this, I am happy to talk with you. My number is 361-442-9590 and my email is holtadams2002@yahoo.com