What are Some Symptoms of Job Stress?

The following are 20 symptoms which you may have occasionally or frequently:

1. I feel little enthusisam for my job.

2. I feel tired even with adequate sleep.

3. I feel frustrated with carrying out my responsibilities at work.

4. I am moody, irritable, or impatient over small inconveniences.

5. I want to withdraw from the constant demamds on my time and energy.

6. I feel negative, futile, or depressed about my job.

7. My decision making ability seems less than usual.

8. I think I am not as efficient as I should be.

9. The quality of my work is not as good as it should be.

10. I feel physically, emotionally, or spiritually depleted.

11. My resistance to illness is lowered.

12. My interest in sex is lowered.

13. I am eating more or less ; drinking more coffee, tea, or sodas ; smoking more; or using more alcohol or drugs than usual in order to cope with my job.

14. I am feeling emotionally callous about the problems and needs of others.

15. My communication with my supervisor, co-workers, friends, or family seems strained.

16. I am forgetful.

17. I am having difficulty concentrating.

18. I am easily bored.

19. I feel a sense of dissatisfaction, or something wrong or missing.

20. When I ask myself why I get up and go to work, the only answer that occurs is “my paycheck.”

Use this scoring for each item: 0=never; 1=occasionally; 2=somewhat often; 3=frequently;4=almost always. if you score 0-25, you are probably coping adequately with your job. If you scored 26 to 40, you are suffering from job stress and would be wise to take preventative action. If you scored 41 to 55, you need to take preventative action to avoid job burnout. If you scored 56 to 80, you are burning out and must develop a comprehensive job stress management plan. (Davis, 2012)

If you feel you are suffering from job stress, I can help you identify a plan of action and coach you through the steps you need to take to implement this plan. Please call or email me if you think I can help.