Top Five Stressors and How Hypnosis Can Help

According to several researchers these are the top five major life stressors. How you manage them is the key to healthy living.

  1. Death of a loved one
  2. Divorce
  3. Moving
  4. Major illness or injury
  5. Job Loss

It may feel like stress is an emotional issue-something that lives strictly inside your head. But stress can become a physical issue as well. Your body instinctively responds to changes and perceived threats. Stored up stress can contribute to symptoms and issues related to digestive health, inflammation, the immune system, bone density, sexual health, sleep, and anxiety.

Day to day stress takes its toll on everybody. The fight or flight instinct takes hold but since we don’t usually run or literally fight, we stay reactive. We become flooded with stress hormones which are damaging to the immune system and other health problems.

How do we manage these stressful events?

  1. Take action. Your body is already primed to act so get physically moving such as walking or exercising. If you can’t exercise for some reason, contract and then release your muscles. Shake it out or march in place for 30 to 60 seconds.
  2. Breathe. Tune into yourself and consider guided imagery, mindfulness, meditation, self hypnosis in order to be present. which realigns the body. Also think about acceptance thinking “I am here; it is what it is.” It is about acceptance not control.
  3. Feel good. Take 30 seconds to just feel good in order for the endorphins to be released. It can produce the same feeling as physical exercise.
  4. Think about what you are grateful for. Tap or sing along to a song. It doesn’t have to be something big. For example, today I noticed that some of my plants that I had given up for dead after a devastating ice storm, are coming back to life with new leaves and flower buds. I felt so grateful to see the metamorphosis.

Did you know that hypnosis can be a useful tool when dealing with stressors? It can help with any of the above four suggestions. It is a simple and safe way to handle stessors in your life. If you think I can help or you simply have questions, please call me at 361-442-9590 or email at