
Going forward in life requires goal setting and then action which leads to motivation and then more action. Unfortunately many of us are procrastinators and fail to follow through on our goals. Are you a procrastinator? Answer the following statements using 0 for Not at all; 1 for Somewhat; 2 for Moderately; and 3 for A Lot. The higher your score, the more likely you are a procrastinator. (Burns)

  1. I often put things off because I don’t feel like doing them or because I’m not in the mood.
  2. I sometimes give up on tasks because they turn out to be more frustrating and difficult than I anticipated.
  3. I sometimes procrastinate because I ‘m afraid of failure.
  4. I don’t like to start something if I feel I won’t be able to do it perfectly.
  5. I often feel that I haven’t accomplished anything worthwhile because I’m so critical of my work.
  6. When I procrastinate, I feel guilty and I tell myself I really should get started.
  7. I sometimes put things off when I feel annoyed or upset with people.
  8. I often agree to do things I don’t really want to do because it’s so hard for me to say no.
  9. I sometimes put things off because I feel that people are acting bossy and making unreasonable demands on me.
  10. I often feel I have lots of things to do that I’m not very committed to or enthusiastic about.
  11. I sometimes set goals that are unrealistic but feel I should be able to accomplish them.

A score in the range of 22 to 33 on the above may indicate that you are a procrastinator. A life coach can help you set realistic goals and hold you accountable for achieving those goals. Some of that work can be done over the phone without having to come in to an office. If you think I can help, please call at 361-442-9590 or email at