Is Snacking Your Weight Loss Downfall?

I frequently see clients whose goal is to lose weight. This is one of the hardest goals to address. Snacking is a common problem in the journey to lose weight. Is snacking the culprit in your inability to lose weight?

An analysis of more than 23,000 Americans found that they were getting most of their daily calories from snacks. Snacks contribute the equivalent of a meal’s worth of food in our diet but without the nutritional value of a well balanced meal. Even people with Type 2 diabetes were not taking in needed nutrients. Snacking has become a string of small eating episodes, generally unplanned and unconnected. Perhaps the problem isn’t how to stop snacking but how to snack better.

What are some ways to redirect your snacking?

  1. Keep a food log. When you see a pattern that shows the circumstances of your snacking you’ll know how to plan ahead.
  2. Use snacks to your advantage. They can fill a nutrient gap if you are active and have high energy needs. Perhaps you are in the habit of eating smaller meals then snacking on fruits and vegetables would be important.
  3. Shop smarter. Use your food log to inform your grocery shopping. Don’t buy salty or sweet items and bring in more fruits and vegetables.
  4. Prep once…eat twice. Create opportunites for easier snacking. Cut up fruits and vegetables and put them in a container for easy access. Cut up that pineapple as soon as you get home from the store rather than leaving it whole on the counter.
  5. Learn self hypnosis as a tool to interrupt the process of hand to mouth unconscious snacking.

If you would like to learn about self hypnosis or have questions about the process, please contact me at 361.442.9590 or