There is no doubt that the past year has been loaded with major transitions for just about everybody. Health threats emerged, jobs were lost, daily routines were altered, and new priorities and plans emerged. Few people have one job, one mate, and one home for their entire lives. The typical American will experience three to five life-altering disruptions, according to author Bruce Feller’s research, and each will leave him/her unsettled for an average of nearly five years.
Waiting until things “get back to normal” isn’t the answer; life rarely returns to the way it was previously. We somehow have to learn to manage life transitions. In future blog posts I will touch on each of seven tools that can be used to reinvent oneself.
Today I want to focus on accepting that the transition is happening and that it will be emotional. It’s natural to resist change even when it’s voluntary. We cling to our former lives because that feels safe and comfortable as opposed to the unknown with its uncertainty. We have to accept the emotions that the change stirs up such as fear, sadness, and or shame. Guilt and anger are also common.
Journaling about your emotions can help. Writing about your thoughts and feelings is proven to benefit your psyche and your situation. Whether you journal or not, you should acknowledge what you’re feeling and use hard work as a way to overcome these emotions, not as an excuse to ignore them. If you are fearful, acknowledge your fear and seek support from trusted family members or friends or seek out help from a therapist. Hypnosis can also be very helpful with fears and lack of confidence.
Journaling is one of several tools to deal with change that I will talk about in the upcoming weeks. If your fear is too great and you need to seek help, please do not hesitate to contact me at 361-442-9590 or Hypnosis is also a very helpful tool with fear and confidence issues. Currently my office remains closed to inperson visits but I am available by phone or email. Covid has certainly changed the way I do business!