Hypnosis can help reprogram your unconscious mind in the following ways:
- Rid yourself of past negative programming
- Improve your self-projection
- Increase your confidence and self-acceptance
- Change your perspective on your relationship to a given problem
You may have internalized negative judgements that labeled you bad or wrong or clumsy or dumb. These can come from parental figures and be internalized at a very deep level of the unconscious mind. Hypnosis can banish these critical thoughts.
How you think others perceive you can also be altered through hypnosis. You can learn to think that others see you as a good person who does things well.
Hypnosis can also help you to see yourself in a more positive way; for instance, seeing yourself as confident, intelligent, and creative.
Hypnosis can help you change your perspective on your relationship to a given problem by teaching you how to stop putting roadblocks for yourself. It will help you change the way you see problems and alter your response to them. For example, you will stop saying, “I can’t do it” or “I’m not smart enough to figure this out” to “I am just right for this job” or “I can solve this.”
If your self esteem is suffering and you think I might be able to help, please contact me at 361.442.9590 or holtadams2002@yahoo.com. Let’s talk and see if hypnosis might be an appropriate tool to help you rethink how you perceive yourself.