Case Studies in Smoking Cessation

One of my clients was a 52 year old married male patient who was referred by his internist. He had been smoking an average of 2.5 packs of cigarettes per day for the past 25 years. Six months prior to my seeing him, he was diagnosed as having mild pulmonary emphysema with the recommendation that he immediately discontinue smoking.
The client tried unsuccessfully on his own to quit smoking.

The initial session revealed that the client was a successful business person, happily married, with two children. Both of his parents smoked. He did not think he could be hypnotized but he was willing to try.

The client was seen for hypnosis sessions on three consecutive days and proved to be an excellent subject entering a state of deep hypnosis during the second and third sessions. He was given the suggestion that he would not smoke, that craving would be minimal, that he would not eat or drink excessively, that he would sleep well, and that he would chew sugarless gum if desired. It was also suggested that he would walk each day with a goal of a mile a day. He was given the suggestion that his unconscious mind would control his smoking habit with minimum discomfort.

The client reported some mild craving after meals the first few days, but this soon diminished and he could be around others who smoked. He called in every day with the positive declaration that he had not smoked which reinforced the posthypnotic suggestion to strengthen his resistance against cigarettes.

One year later this client was not smoking and had not gained any weight. His breathing was greatly improved and he was pleased and proud that he had conquered his habit.

If you are wanting to stop smoking, I will be happy to talk to you about hypnosis and how it might help you. There is no charge for a phone consultation. My number is 361-442-9590.

A Second Case Study in Stopping Smoking

A 22 year old male client was referred to me for hypnosis to stop smoking by his doctor. His physician reported that he had chronic bronchitis, had previously stopped smoking for approximately three months, but had recently started smoking again.

The screening interview revealed a rather hostile individual who was only there because his doctor had told him to come. He stated that he still enjoyed cigarettes even though he was aware of the health risks.

He was only a fair hypnotic subject, barely entering light levels. He did not smoke for two weeks after his third session, yet when he would call the office each day he kept complaining that his craving to smoke was present most of the time. On the fifteenth consecutive day, following the receipt of a traffic ticket for speeding, the client reported that he was smoking “full blast.” He canceled his fourth appointment.

It was obvious in the screening interview that his motivation was not good, and my effort to help him was unsuccessful.

If I don’t feel like I can help you stop smoking, I will let you know in the initial session. If you would like to find out, please call at 361-442-9590,