Additional Myths About Hypnosis

People under hypnosis do not become blindly obedient or lose control. There is no solid evidence that people under hypnosis are under the control of the hypnotist. They actually remain able to resist verbal suggestions…they are not unconscious, asleep or unaware of their surroundings and they can later recall what occurred under hypnosis. But people who are highly receptive to hypnosis do become more likely to accept suggestions made during hypnosis as true.

If you are wondering about those stage shows where hypnotized audience members cluck like chickens and do other embarrassing things when the hypnotist tells them to , these people are not under the hypnotist’s control. These entertainer hypnotists inevitably ask for volunteers from the audience and they know who volunteers for such a performance is probably someone excited to try hypnosis and perfectly happy to do silly things on stage. Its’s also likely that that some of the people on stage are only pretending to be hypnotized.

Do not seek treatment from anyone who represents hypnosis as a cure all. If you are seeking help for pain management, seek out clinicians who specialize in the treatment of the specific condition you wish to treat and offers hypnosis as one of multiple options.

If you have any questions about hypnosis and whether it might be an option for you, please contact me at 361.442.9590 or