Are you concerned about what hypnosis can do to you? Hypnosis is not in any way harmful but it is completely understandable for a beginning patient to have reservations. The following are some of the most frequently asked questions about hypnosis:
When I am in a trance can you make me cluck like a chicken? Bark like a dog? Act like a newborn baby?
Will I tell you something I’ve never told anybody? Will I talk about things that are private?
Could I stay “frozen” in one position and never come out of it?
Could I harm myself?
What these questions are getting at is this: Can a hypnotist make you do something embarrassing, shocking, or irreversible? No, you will not do anything you do not think is acceptable. That is, you cannot be made to violate your own values or accepted patterns of behavior.
It is important to remember that a trance state can be terminated by you at any time. It is your choice to enter the trance state, and you can always choose to leave it. If for some reason you were left in a trance state, you would either return to full consciousness on your own or enter a natural sleep and awaken from a pleasant nap.
The trance state is safe territory and there are many beneficial applications associated with hypnosis. If you are interested in using hypnosis and unsure what it might do for you, please email me at or call at 361.442.9590.