What Are SMART Goals?

As a life coach, one of the things I do is help clients develop realistic goals that meet certain requirements. These goals are often labeled SMART goals as they follow a format that makes them achievable and measurable.

Specific: What is the desired result? (who, what, when, why, how)

Measurable: How can you quantify (numerically or descriptively) completion? How do you measure progress?

Achievable: What skills are needed? What resources are necessary? How does the environment impact goal achievement? Does the goal require the right amount of effort?

Relevant: Is the goal in line with my overall strategy or mission?

Time-bound: What is the deadline? Is the deadline realistic?

What is an example of each step?:

Specific: Saying ” I will lose 10 pounds” is much more specific than “I will lose weight.”

Measurable: Writing down the things that you will do to achieve your goal such as “I will exercise 4 or 5 times a week;” ” I will follow a 30 day keto diet plan;” “I will write a food diary every day.”

Attainable: If you haven’t exercised in a long time, then you might start with 10 minutes of exercise, 5 times a week rather than trying to do a 50 minute session for five times in the first week. Then you can increase the time spent exercising with each succeeding week.

Relevant: If you are losing weight because someone in your family says that you need to, you will probably not stay motivated very long. Find the real reasons for losing weight. For example; I want to lose weight so I can play with my kids/grandkids or to get off medication.

Time-Bound: Make your goal your number one priority. Make a date to achieve your goal. For example: I will lose 10 pounds by June 1.

If you think I can help you with your goal setting and motivation, please contact me at 361-442-9590 or holtadams2002@yahoo.com