Update and Information About Current Services

Hi all,

Currently I am receiving many inquiries and requests for services related to weight loss. I think I bring an extra level of service for this issue. The structure of my program for weight loss involves 4 inperson sessions and then six weeks of follow up at no additional charge. The follow up is similar to life coaching where a goal is set and progress toward that goal is measured weekly through phone calls and texts with accountability to me. I think you will find that most hypnotists’ involvement with you is limited to the office visits. I can add that additional layer of accountability due to the limited number of clients that I see on a weekly basis.

Weight loss is only one of several ways that hypnosis can be helpful. Please see previous posts about other issues addressed by hypnosis.

I do want to reiterate that I do not offer psychological or counseling services. If you have any questions or think I can help, please do not hesitate to contact me at 361-442-9590 or at holtadams2002@yahoo.com