Some Habits That Hold You Back: Mind Traps

Did you know that hypnosis can help you change your thinking when it comes to “mind traps?” These are old beliefs, negative self talk, all or nothing thinking, having unrealistic expectations, and looking for the “perfect” solution.

Holding on to old beliefs: any time you make decisions based on what you think you need to do, should or must do, you’re basing your actions on beliefs that may not be serving you well. For example thinking you must bake a cake for your spouse’s birthday when you are super busy when a cake from a bakery would serve just as well.

Negative self talk: Many people stay stuck because they berate themselves, I will never succeed with improving my diet or what will my family think if I go to the gym instead of making dinner for everyone? Start to believe in yourself, and give yourself permission to do things that make you happy. Try something new letting go of old thoughts and guilt that keep you blocked. This will take some time to try a new approach and change a lifelong habit of negative self talk.

When something’s reasonable that means it makes sense to you. Realistic refers to how likely it is to happen. Is it realistic to expect your spouse to be more lively in interactions as he/she is an introvert? Reframe your thinking to accept his/her personality as it is.

Looking for the perfect solution? You have to make trade offs in every decision. Waiting for the perfect solution means you stay stuck. The least bad option could still be a great choice.

Solutions are rarely all or nothing. There are many options between the two. I recommend writing on a piece of paper five or six steps that take you from one extreme to the other. Then choose a middle ground you can live with.

If you think only about the problem, you’ll think only of the obvious answer or the one you already know. You have to shift your thinking from the action to the payoffs.

Hypnosis and/or life coaching can help with these mind traps by giving suggestions that are more reasonable thoughts and actions. If you are struggling with taking action, hypnosis and/or life coaching may be able to help. Please feel free to contact me for a free consultation at 361.442.9590 or