Hypnosis for Health Problems

Some major causes of health problems can benefit from the use of hypnosis.

  1. Your health problems may be linked to stress. You can take a stress test I have posted to determine your level of stress. Some would say that the basis of all illness is stress.
  2. Your health problem may be inherited such as asthma, diabetes, and heart disease.
  3. Your health problem may be the result of injury or an accident. The shock of an accident or injury causes a breakdown of the body’s defenses.
  4. Your health problem may be HIV/AIDS related resulting in infections and cancer.
  5. Your health problem may result from cancer treatment. Hypnosis can help with many phases of cancer treatment including pain management.
  6. The deep relaxing that occurs with hypnosis may automatically reduce fatigue, irritability, and insomnia. Twenty minutes of hypnotic relaxation can equal one to two hours of sleep. Results are usually quickly achieved.